JK Bond Ball Mill Test now able to be licenced to more commercial laboratories

20 Nov 2017

After offering the JK Bond Ball Mill (JKBBM) Test in house for some years, and with over 500 tests performed, JKTech is pleased to announce the JKBBM is now available to be licenced to other commercial laboratories.

Initially developed and validated by researchers at the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC), the JKBBM Test reduces the time, sample (approximately 50%) and cost required to make a reliable estimation of the Bond Ball Mill Work Index (BBMWi).

Since its initial introduction, being offered solely at the JKTech laboratory in Brisbane, it has proven popular with clients and now JKTech is moving to make the test more widely available by allowing other commercial laboratories the ability to perform the test themselves.

Also, as with the currently offered JKDW and SMC® Tests JKTech is committed to ensuring the highest quality in accuracy and precision with the JKBBM Test. This is achieved by having all JKBBM results reviewed by skilled analysts when the results are processed, along with the JKBBM Test being included in the regular comparative testing (aka Round Robin) programs co-ordinated by JKTech. These quality assurance procedures ensure that clients can have full confidence in the test results regardless of which laboratory the tests are performed at.

The JKBBM test has already been licensed to a number of laboratories worldwide, to find the closest laboratory who can offer the JKBBM test, or to become a licenced test facility please email us.
